4 thoughts on “Yes sir…

  1. We are ALL warriors.

    We are ALL broken people trying to become WHOLE.

    We ALL must have help in this process. We were not built to go it alone or be a lone(r). We were built to become ALL ONE.

    After putting on my gear and grabbing my weapons for many years and fighting…I became an abyss. Lost, angry, depressed, addicted and in pain – spiritually, emotionally and physically. I didn’t think I would ever find a way out. I tried to be a good husband. I tried. I could see the light in my wife’s soul every single day and she never gave up on me – and, yet – no matter how hard I tried – I just couldn’t see or hear the light. I failed time and time again. Pain.

    Then came a time when I believed all I had to do was survive, day to day.

    That was a lie. It was one of the biggest Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) or Self-Limiting Beliefs (SLBs) I had ever come across.

    God did not make me to survive – He made me to thrive.

    Through God’s grace and Jesus’ embrace I was blessed and fortunate to become a part of the Built to Lead “Band”…It was here that I learned I could TRANSFORM…with the help of Jesus, my family, my friends and my builders (all 12 of them).

    Becoming ‘Built to Lead’ is no joke. It will be hard (what good comes out of something that is easy?), there will be acute pain – BUT – within the framework and with the help and the hand of your builder – YOU WILL TRANFORM.

    It is a choice.

    Make a good one.

    I still get up each day and prepare to go into battle but now – I turn on my radio and make comms with God and ask, “What today, Jesus?” “Where today, Jesus?” And then I put on the armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18…and these weapons, this armor will NEVER fail. EVER.


    Together We Transform – always, ALWAYS TOGETHER.



    Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, AST. Thank you, Band.

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