Chet Scott

IMG_0725I was born in 1959 and am a child of God and son of Chet and Marie.

— Saved by Grace.
— A son whose parents demonstrated God’s grace. And, I am a man still learning how to do the same.
— Married to Miss since 1982 and father to four.
— A friend to a few and “truth teller” to many.

I went to school for a number of years and learned a little.
I worked and led at CompuServe for 20 and learned a little more.
I “woke up” in 1993 and discovered my life’s OPUS.
I founded BUILT TO LEAD in 2002, began my builder’s journey of sorts, and

I LOVE: this work,  I LOVE this life, and I’m getting better at facing my FEARs.

— A house divided. And, slowly and painstakingly, becoming ONE.
— A sugar addict.
— Embracing truth in LOVE. Telling, not so much on hearing.
— Poison and wine, bitter and sweet, and so are my relationships.
— Keenly aware when betrayed, clueless when I do the same.
— A perpetual student and demanding builder.
— An artist and an entrepreneur.
— A builder for a few and fixated on mastery.
— Clear, concise, and direct. Oftentimes seen as COLD.
— A challenge and a challenger of others.

I LOVE: making people do what they can.

— Toto. Good luck getting me back in my basket.
— A work in process… God, help me.