Andrew Teitelbaum

image I AM:
— Born in 1965 the only son and youngest of three.
— Married to a beautiful gentle soul way smarter than me.
— Father to a kind, compassionate, and hardworking son.
— Inspired by the pursuit of excellence and the growth it creates.
— Inspiring others to pursue the same for over three decades as a collegiate coach.
— Forged, burned, cultivated and developed by the crucible of leadership.
— Builder of high performing/championship student-athletes, crews, teams, and leaders.
— Curious, direct, and grateful.
— A lover of laughter.
— Tough and becoming more tender.
— A coach who won 3 NCAA National Championships and many other sports related achievements and yet…
— Most proud of the connection, resilience, and emotional fitness the program built into the athletes we served.
— Determined to bring resilience back to the leadership, culture and curriculum of university education and athletics.
— Blessed to be a member of this band and in a position to help transform others.