Dream BIG…

What struggle are you enduring well, friend? What sweet indulgence are you resisting? Again, the ability to resist impulse is how we build virtue and defeat the natural slide into any number of vices. The natural decay of my body is a great reminder that only a few among us have the fight to finish strong.

Today, during practice ONE.112, we talked truth regarding our training. A few admitted they are going through the motions this off season. Normal.

Want to avoid burnout? Want to love each and every lift? Want to be the fastest most durable dude on the team? Get a BIG dream. Start here. Goals are not enough. It’s got to be bigger. Once you have a worthy why for your big dream, the doing becomes a gift. The doing becomes something you get to do, not have to. This is the sweet spot for building competence. And, competence is the root of sustainable confidence. You want this? Dream bigger, my friend. Dream and do, remember.

God, help me persist and resist while receiving and giving love. Persist and resist. You and I tend to be better at one than the other. Where, friend, do you need to build the discipline to persist and resist? God, help me resist the temptation to indulge and rationalize it away. God, help me resist. God, thank you for the gift of this work and life. May my effort reflect my appreciation for the gift. God, help me.

Live hard. Love harder…

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