
Today has been filled with love. Began with it at family breakfast, continued with family lunch. The bike took me up Bracken mountain. Loved the chosen suffering and beautiful scenery along the way. In twelve days, Littlest, Downer, Peej, and I will congregate in Lake Annecy, France.

Aedán, Ek, Miss, and Annie will be with.

Remember, friend, you do your best work with friends whether on the bike or in the boardroom. A team of peers beats a team filled with fears. One fills. Another depletes. Life is an energy management problem and it’s yours to solve. Surround yourself with energy givers not takers. Ride on! Make sense?

Live hard. Love harder…

1 thought on “Love…

  1. Ride on, brother Chet!!!!

    BE WITH!!! BE WITH!!! BE WITH!!!

    Train – Train – Train!!!!

    Did I say BE WITH???

    “You belong, Jim”, You said to me.

    Together We Transform – always, ALWAYS TOGETHER.


    John 13:35

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