
Why are we here?

Why are you here?

Why am I here?

Simple, not easy.

We’re here to build oneness. Oneness within is where it begins. Remember, you cannot lead another further than you’ve led yourself. Once you’ve built a strong CORE and authored an authentic OPUS, we’ll begin the long , hard, climb of building oneness with another. Oneness with those we like and oneness with those unlike us. Oneness with those on our team and oneness with those we serve. Oneness above and below. Oneness where we give more and receive even more. Oneness. From a lone to all one. From filled with holes to more and more whole. A worthy aim. Real. Hard. Work. A lengthy climb where you grab and give a hand. Together we transform. Always together. This encapsulates why the BTL band is here – why I’m here.

Yesterday, in BTL band practice, we tasted oneness. We heard a story about a BTL team practice that was good. We are not satisfied with good or good enough. We are hard on self, not down on self. We make each other do what they can. We keep reaching for what is just beyond our grasp. Excellence is our aim. So, we trained in such a way to make her next practice even better. Durp’s too. We hit Slippage and all got Gu’ed. In the process? Together, we transformed. Result?

My numbering of practices has been transformed.

Another nuance. There will be a thousand more, assuming I live long enough. You will now see each team practice begin with ONE, followed by the actual practice number. We practice to become ONE within and with another.

It. Is. All. About. Trust.

Trust is the heart of high performance. Always has been. Always will be. Same as ever. Fact. This is why we’re here. During BTL band practice, as I played Toto (good luck getting me back in my basket) best as I know how, my bark toward another was transformed by Durp’s lovely “and.” Was freakin’ magic and sacred at the same time. Always together…

“Together we Awaken, Challenge, and Transform a few individuals, teams, and leaders from a lone toward all ONE – One L of a difference. One, distinct and deeply connected, becoming BTL. Together we transform. Always together.”

This is why I’m here. If you’re a BTL client, get ready to be reminded. You see, I’ve suffered from the curse of knowledge for far too long. As I wrote and reflected after BTL band practice, it all became clear – crystal clear. I’m going back to basics. May never go forward. The cookies are coming to the bottom shelf. We’re putting tension to its rightful owner. I am no longer gonna carry the load. Took nearly 25 years to FIO (figure it out). There is no end. There are no hacks. Silver bullets? Nope, just lots of lead ones.

The few are gonna love it. Some are going to self select out. ONE will transform. One warrior always has, always does, and always will. I’m going to be relentlessly turning up ONE. You’ve been forewarned. So, friend, the compelling question remains. Why you here?

Live hard. Love harder…

2 thoughts on “ONE.0…

  1. BOOM.

    I was there.


    Lord, give me the strength and the courage to take Truth. Kill my pride. Kill it.



    Together We Transform – always, ALWAYS TOGETHER.

    Live hard. Love harder…



    PS Hiding up in the rafters watching? No more. The Mute is learning to hear and speak. All within God’s amazing grace.

  2. Band Practice was especially rich yesterday morning. Thank you, God, for blessing us with deeper challenge, transcendant learnings, and closer Oneness with and from the Band. Thank you, God.

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