
Mom turned 99 this month. This past weekend has been her celebration time with many of her grandchildren and great grandchildren too. Today we put a bow on it with church and chicken. Hope this Memorial Day weekend has you grateful and filled with hope. Mom’s belief and optimism has been one of life’s greatest blessings. Forever grateful for her.

Faith. Family. Friends. Take none for granted. Storms are coming. These are the foundation for weathering dust, depression, and doubt. Invest wisely, friends.

Live hard. Love harder…

4 thoughts on “Family…

  1. Beautiful! Beautiful!! Beautiful!!!

    We are coming to see you dear Aunt Marie!!!!

    Hope, faith and love – – – – and one day when Jesus is right in front of us there will be NO need for hope or faith…there will only be LOVE. (Thanks, JohnR!)

    We love you Aunt Marie…see you soon!

    Ann and Jim

    John 13:35

  2. Let’s see if I remember her guidance on raising children:





    Did I recall it correctly? 🙂

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