
Here’s a deep truth, leader. The quicker you make decisions the better.

The best leaders make the most bets, they just don’t bet the farm. Here’s their keystone habit. The minute they have a sense something’s not right – they act on it. They stop the saboteur before the damage is done. They stop the culture crusher in an instant. They smell system and process problems before they turn into plaque. When they taste something freakin’ magic? They ACT.

Your problem, most likely, is you think this describes you; your team, not so much.

Build this muscle like a reflex, leader. Build an action bias. The proclivity to action cannot be under valued. It. Is. Gold. The longer you wait to develop this habit the more myelin you wrap around the ruminating neural network. Most leaders default to hesitating and over thinking because of loss aversion. An action bias will not feel good in many a moment. You will feel you’re being knee jerk, over your ski’s, or some other uncomfortable emotion. Do it, anyway. Transformational leaders make the most decisions. Fact.

It is hard to unwind myelin, leader. It feels good to wait. It is not. ACT.

Live hard. Love harder. Build an action bias…

3 thoughts on “Bias…

  1. I left this blog in my inbox for a week and kept going back to it, and finally made the connection yesterday. As someone who often has a bias towards talk, dreaming, brainstorming, and/or creation in concept, the realization of the importance of moving with a bias toward action almost felt like a total ‘duh’ moment. I can vision a beautiful garden, a dream state. I can’t actually be in that garden without taking action – those fields won’t hoe themselves. Much needed, so relevant. Thanks for this post.

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